Súčiniteľ trenia - príklad

Friction – questions
1. What kind of force is friction?
2. When can we observe friction?
3. What is the function of ball bearings?
4. When do we need to increase and decrease friction?
5. What is the difference between static and dynamic friction?
6. Is there any connection between friction and temperature?
7. Is there any connection between friction and the shape of a car?
8.How do meteors start producing fire tale?
9. Why do curling players sweep the ice with brushes?
10. How do surfers try to change friction of their boards?

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Príklad prebraný zo stránky:
Aký je súčiniteľ šmykového trenia saní o hmotnosti 400 kg, ak na udržanie saní v rovnomernom pohybe treba prekonať silu trenia FT = 80 N. Zistite tiež aký náklad dreva utiahnu kone na týchto sánkach, ak ich ťažná sila je F‘T = 1400 N.