Príklady na tlak

Príklady na tlak

Príklady na tlak:


1. A hydraulic jack has two pistons. Piston1 has the area of 2 cm squared,

piston2  has the area of 20 cm squared. What force is piston2 pushed upwards

if piston1 is pushed downwards with the force of 5N ?


2.  A hydraulic jack has two pistons. Piston1 has the area of 5 cm squared.

Piston1 is pushed downwards with the force 5N and piston2 pushed upwards

with the force 25N.  What is the area of piston2?


3.  A hydraulic jack has two pistons. Piston1 has the diameter of  1 cm .

Piston1 is pushed downwards with the force 5N and piston2 pushed upwards

with the force 25N.  What is the diameter of piston2?