Príklady na pôsobenie sily

Task 1
1. An object with mass of 10 kg was not moving.
But after 5 seconds it had speed 20 m/s. What force caused this change.
Task 2
2. What is the acceleration on the surface of the Moon? You know that if you put an object with the mass of 18 kg on the scale normally used on the Earth it will show the value 3.
Task 3
3. A force of 200 N acted on an object with mass of 10 kg. Calculate the acceleration and the speed after 5 seconds.
Task 4
4. A motorbike and the driver had mass 200 kg. From the standstill it took 10 seconds to get 100 km / hour speed. What force was needed to reach the speed.
Akou veľkou silou pôsobí človek s hmotnosťou 75 kg na podlahu kabíny výťahu, keď
- a) výťah je v pokoji
- b) výťah sa pohybuje zvisle nahor so zrýchlením a = 2 m.s-2
- c) výťah sa pohybuje zvisla nadol so zrýchlením a = 2 m.s-2
(g = 10 m.s-2)