
Review of Moment of force

Review of Moment of force

Príklady na tlak

Príklady na tlak
Príklady na tlak: https://www.priklady.eu/sk/Fyzika/Mechanika-kvapalin/Hydrostatika.alej   1. A hydraulic jack has two pistons. Piston1 has the area of 2 cm squared, piston2  has the area of 20 cm squared. What force is piston2 pushed upwards if piston1 is pushed downwards with...


1.An  object is moving 30 m/s. It takes 5s to stop it with the force of 6 N. What is the mass of the object?   2. A train with the mass of 24tons is moving 36km/hour. It took 10 minutes until it stopped without using brakes. What was the total resistence force?

Gravity 2

Gravity 2
Force, weight, and gravity  questions. 1. What is the mutual effect of mass objects ? 2. How does the gravitational force depends on the distance of the mass objects? 3. What is the weight of an object with the mass of 5 kg on the Earth surface? 4. What is gravitationanal field strength? Give...

Force, weight, and gravity 1

Force, weight, and gravity  1
Force, weight, and gravity  questions. 1.  What is gravitational force? 2 How does gravitational force manifest itself?   What is the mutual effect of mass objects ? 3. How does the gravitational force depends on the distance of the mass objects? 4. What is weight? 5. How do you...

Precvičovanie pohybov 2

Precvičovanie pohybov 2
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Súčiniteľ trenia - príklad

Súčiniteľ trenia - príklad
  Friction – questions 1. What kind of force is friction? 2. When can we observe friction? 3. What is the function of ball bearings? 4. When do we need to increase and decrease friction? 5. What is the difference between  static and dynamic friction? 6. Is there any connection between...

Príklady na pôsobenie sily

Príklady na pôsobenie sily
Task 1 1. An object with mass of 10 kg was not moving.   But after 5 seconds it had speed 20 m/s. What force caused this change.   Task 2 2. What is the acceleration on the surface of the Moon? You know that if you put an object with the mass of 18 kg on the scale normally used on the...

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